How can I support my partner’s growth?

One of the most rewarding aspects of being in a relationship is witnessing and contributing to the growth of our partner. Growth is the process of learning, changing, and developing as a person, and it can happen in many areas of life, such as career, hobbies, spirituality, or personal goals. Growth is essential for our happiness and fulfillment, and it can also enrich our relationships. But how can we support our partner’s growth without interfering, imposing, or controlling? Here are some tips that I find helpful.

  1. Listen to their dreams and aspirations. The first step to support our partner’s growth is to understand what they want to achieve, what they are passionate about, and what they value. Listening to their dreams and aspirations means being curious, attentive, and empathetic, and not judging, criticizing, or dismissing them. Listening also means asking open-ended questions, giving feedback, and offering suggestions when asked. Listening shows that we care about their interests and goals, and that we respect their choices.
  2. Encourage them to take action. The second step to support our partner’s growth is to encourage them to take action towards their dreams and aspirations. Encouraging them means being supportive, positive, and motivating, and not discouraging, negative, or pessimistic. Encouraging also means acknowledging their efforts, celebrating their achievements, and helping them cope with failures or setbacks. Encouraging shows that we believe in their potential and abilities, and that we want them to succeed.
  3. Give them space and freedom. The third step to support our partner’s growth is to give them space and freedom to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Giving them space and freedom means respecting their boundaries, trusting their decisions, and not interfering, imposing, or controlling. Giving them space and freedom also means allowing them to have their own time, activities, and friends, and not being clingy, needy, or jealous. Giving them space and freedom shows that we value their independence and autonomy and that we are confident in our relationship.

About the author : Mbonisi Nsingo

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